The broader cybersecurity community is a pretty incredible group.
Look no further than major incidents and breaches to see examples of the community coming together to support one another. During these times, there is no competition—just a desire to help our fellow professionals come out on the other side as unscathed as possible.
We know we’re better together, when we break out of our silos and join forces to organize against today’s savvy threat actors—much in the same way that they organize against us. That’s why we've committed ourselves from day one to providing the community with actionable cyber training and practical resources to help folks level up their security practices.
Our Commitment to Community
Putting Our Money Where Our Mouth Is
If you’ve been keeping up with us, you'll know that we kicked off 2022 by donating $100,000 to the Dutch Institute for Vulnerability Disclosure (DIVD) to help support their continued growth and to help kickstart their bug bounty program.
In addition to hiring their first full-time staff, DIVD has been able to offer financial incentives to individuals who disclose vulnerabilities and discoveries specific to managed service providers (MSP) and small to midsized businesses (SMB) and the IT tools they use.
We put our money where our mouth is and challenged others in the MSP online community to do the same. Thanks to the combined efforts of our peers in the MSP vendor community, we secured an additional $75,000 for DIVD following our donation.
Our Commitment to Education
An integral part of our mission at Huntress is to provide our partners and the cybersecurity community with actionable security training, education and awareness.
Cybersecurity Education
We continually publish written content to talk shop about today’s cyber threats. You can expect a new blog from us every Tuesday, where we’ll dive into one of four topics: cybersecurity education, threat analysis (we get nerdy here), business growth and (occasionally) Huntress news.
By creating this content, we hope to arm you with a deeper understanding of current threats and attack vectors with a more digestible account of what happened, why it happened and who is at risk. For example, we recently discussed a targeted advanced persistent threat (APT) in one of our blogs, where we shared all the nitty gritty technical details of the attack and described our internal investigation process.
In addition to our blogs, we offer full access to our webinars, on-demand events and videos to help support your security needs and give you the expertise to have more actionable conversations with your clients.
Tradecraft Tuesday
Want to think like a hacker? Join us the second Tuesday of each month for Tradecraft Tuesday, a live webinar where we dive into the latest security news, offer hands-on demonstrations of offensive and defensive security techniques and loads more!
We host this event as an educational opportunity to help the cybersecurity community understand how modern-day criminals attack. So, don’t miss the next Tradecraft Tuesday—register, and we’ll add the complete recurring series invite to your calendar. Or, you can check out past episodes!
hack_it is a multi-day training event designed to sharpen your tradecraft, network with security professionals and receive hands-on training! Our hack_it event occurs one to two times per year and includes external speakers and infosec experts with sessions geared toward both technical and non-technical audiences.
Couldn’t make it last year? We’ve got you covered. Watch last year's entire virtual event!
We recently announced that we’ve acquired Curricula: a fun, story-based security awareness training platform that empowers employees to become their own line of defense in the fight against threat actors.
We’re particularly excited about this acquisition, as it will help us continue to deliver on our promise to work to secure the 99%. IT teams often struggle to explain to their employees why they should care about cybersecurity and basic cyber practices (think multi-factor authentication). And that’s why Curricula exists—to help employees and end users understand the why behind cybersecurity.
Organizations are only as strong as their weakest link, and this acquisition will help us arm the MSPs and IT resellers we serve—and the businesses they serve—with an extra line of defense against today’s hackers.
Protecting the Cybersecurity Community
As part of our mission to protect the 99%—the SMBs that need it most—we offer our support to the MSP community to keep them and their customers safe from cyber attacks. Unfortunately, the harsh reality is that MSPs are increasingly targeted for attacks. This is because they serve as a gateway for tons of customer data—and why target a bunch of businesses when targeting just one could open a world of opportunity for threat actors?
The Huntress Neighborhood Watch Program
We won't just sit idly by as MSPs are targeted. In response to this growing problem, we developed the Huntress Neighborhood Watch Program, which provides practical programs and resources to help raise the level of security in the community.

Partner or not, in this program, we’re offering an “internal use” Huntress license to any MSP. Want to know the best part? This internal license includes unrestricted access to The Huntress Managed Security Platform, free of charge. You will also have access to The Huntress SOC, our 24/7 human analysts, as they work tirelessly to weed out potential threats, analyze hacker tradecraft, create incident reports and help remediate cyber threats. With these internal licenses, MSPs will be able to protect their own backyards more effectively as we increase our efforts in the cybersecurity community.
So, what's the catch? We only ask for an hour of your time, during which we'll guide you through setting up your account and teach you about our platform. From there, we’ll take over and protect your MSP's internal devices. Take control of your security and protect your own backyard by joining the Huntress Neighborhood Watch Program.
Simple and Accessible Security
We made a commitment to this community to give more than we take and to continually find ways to help elevate and strengthen those around us. This is why we founded Huntress in the first place—to make security simple and accessible for our partners and the broader community. With the resources and programs discussed here, we hope to help raise the cybersecurity poverty line and empower our community to meet today's sophisticated cyber threats.
Want to learn more about how we're delivering cybersecurity to the 99% Check out our eBook below to learn everything you need to know about us—seriously.

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