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What is phishing?

Phishing is everywhere. But it can be prevented.

Phishing is a cyberattack (usually email-based) that occurs when threat actors disguise themselves as legitimate entities to trick users into revealing personally identifiable or sensitive information.

Phishing is one of the most common tactics used by hackers because it’s efficient and effective. With new tools and tech like AI at their disposal, hackers can now send out convincing phishing attacks to the masses with little effort required. The good news: we can be one step ahead.

Learn More About Phishing

There’s Plenty of Phish in the Sea (and Your Inbox)

Phishing attempts can show up as messages from your bank, your boss, your utility providers, or even the government. One click from one user can compromise an entire network and inadvertently let hackers deploy ransomware, steal information, or worse.

Hacked In Under a Minute

The median time it takes for a user to click a link and enter information is less than 60 seconds. With a turnaround time that quick, it’s no wonder phishing is one of the preferred methods used by hackers. (2024 Verizon Data Breach Report)

How to Spot a Phishing Attempt
  • Red Flags: Highlight indicators like suspicious email addresses, poor grammar, urgent or threatening language, and requests for personal information.
  • Link Inspection: Advise users to hover over links to check their legitimacy before clicking.
  • Attachment Awareness: Warn against downloading unexpected attachments, especially from unknown senders.
Five Phishing Prevention Tips: The Basics
  1. Encourage the use of strong spam filters to block phishing emails.
  2. Configure browser safety settings to block malicious websites.
  3. Enable MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) wherever possible.
  4. Conduct regular software updates to protect against vulnerabilities.
  5. Advise regular password changes and the use of a password manager.
Keep Up with Hackers

Because of the ease and effectiveness of phishing, it is likely to always be around. Hackers are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to phish users into giving them valuable information, so it’s important that your security can keep up. The best way to do that is with a Security Awareness Training program that’s built to reflect modern threats.

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The Huntress Platform

Security Awareness Training

Huntress Security Awareness Training (SAT) delivers an engaging, memorable series of story-based episodes to transform your security culture. We also include phishing simulations to help your learners practice their new skills, and reports that highlight results. Our training enables users to become more cyber savvy in the fight against bad actors.

“Huntress has another great product with SAT, adding in the managed option to run regular phishing training and security training based on current active industry incidents makes this very easy to keep users current.”

- Chris Bacon, Director of Technology at CTS

Defense in Depth with Huntress

The Huntress Platform

No security tool can prevent 100% of threats, especially when end users are involved. While security awareness training is a vital first layer of your security stack, it is not foolproof. In the event that hackers do find a way into your environment, it’s important to have additional layers of security that can stop more advanced threats before they spread. With Huntress Managed EDR and MDR for Microsoft 365, you’ll have a team of security experts watching your back 24/7 to keep your business safe from hackers.

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Level Up Your Security Culture

Huntress SAT isn’t built to simply check a box. It’s designed to elevate your security culture and equip your employees with the knowledge to thrive in the face of phishing attacks.

Try Huntress SAT for Free