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Huntress vs. Datto

See why Huntress Managed EDR is a better fit for MSPs and SMBs than Datto EDR.

  • Fewer false positives
  • Easy to understand incident reports with one-click remediations
  • No long-term contracts    

Experience the difference. Request a demo today.

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Where does Huntress rank?

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Where does Huntress rank?

Huntress is built for the needs of SMBs, but don’t just take our word for it—see how businesses like yours see us.

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4.9/5 based on hundreds of G2 reviews
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What Purpose-Built Security For SMBs Looks Like

Cyber-first Orientation

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Cybersecurity is all we do. Managed EDR is built and fully managed by Huntress—we don’t depend on anyone else.



EDR and MDR competes for resources and prioritization alongside their RMM, Backup, documentation and other IT service offerings.


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Fully managed detection and response, plus access to top-rated support with an average CSAT score of 99%.



G2 reports slow alert response times, limited reporting, and unsatisfactory support.

Built-in Coverage

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Huntress doesn’t require bundling, packages, or add-ons. Managed EDR is all-in-one with our 24/7 SOC included.



Bundles and packages are required to achieve the same level of coverage that Huntress Managed EDR offers out of the box.

Noise Reduction

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The only incidents you hear about are ones that require attention. Our SOC analysts do the heavy lifting to reduce alert fatigue and false positives.



Datto EDR’s dashboard noise creates confusion and queue overload for resource-strained IT teams.

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The Impact of 24/7 SOC Oversight

Hear how Huntress quiets the noise and enables you to focus on the threats that matter with Managed EDR and our 24/7 expert SOC.


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“Huntress notified us of the threat before we had any idea what was happening. Their team gave us all the information we needed to get up to speed, including the machine name that was infected, the steps to confirm the infection and how to remediate the threat.”

Tom Noon


VP of Technology

Blue Tree Technology

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“When Huntress calls, we answer because we know that’s the call that matters. We don’t have the luxury of having team members comb through logs and events all day. We need to be able to focus our attention on other priorities, and Huntress enables us to do that.”

Edward Griffin



Intelligent Technical Solutions

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“With the Huntress SOC, we have some of the best minds in cybersecurity at our disposal. They help us validate incidents, handle them and also level up our own knowledge. With the context and information included in their personalized reports, any tier one technician can easily understand what threats have been detected and take the appropriate next steps – it’s been a great force multiplier for us.”

Anthony Cabral


Clear Guidance Partners

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The Huntress Managed Security Platform

What small- to mid-sized businesses and MSPs alike are saying about Huntress Managed EDR.

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EDR with Built-in Expertise

It takes more than a cobbled-together security solution to beat today’s ever-evolving cyber threats. Protect your business with Huntress’ all-in-one Managed EDR and 24/7 SOC.

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