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What It Is & How It Works

Keeping Scammers Out

Ransomware is malicious software that can lock users out of their systems and encrypt data, holding them hostage until the “ransom” is paid. Many of these attackers operate overseas and are nearly impossible to capture.

Ransomware is a growing threat across all sectors of society, but manufacturing is one of the heaviest-hit industries due to two things: the rapid adoption of new technologies and being overmatched compared to hackers.

Central computer systems and administrator computers are often the most at risk. If an unsuspecting staff member opens the wrong email or visits the wrong website, they could unwittingly expose you to a ransomware attack that could end up impacting the whole manufacturing facility. Unsecured networks in manufacturing plants also make it easy for hackers to sniff their way around connected systems and implant ransomware or malware.

Risks of Ransomware Attacks in Manufacturing

In manufacturing, ransomware can impact more than just a single user's computer—just one attack can put companies behind schedule and cripple the downstream supply chain. 

If the ransomware makes its way to the server, it can lock everyone out of the system until the demand is paid. Business operations and manufacturing functions will roll to a complete stop. The unscheduled downtime can cost companies significantly in lost production and subsequent remediation measures. 

Consider the case of the 2021 ransomware attack on Kaseya, a big player in IT management software used by many businesses, including manufacturers. The attackers exploited weaknesses in Kaseya's software to encrypt data across hundreds of companies worldwide, demanding ransom payments in Bitcoin to decrypt the affected systems.

This incident caused massive disruptions, especially for manufacturers reliant on Kaseya's services through their IT providers. It's yet another stark reminder of how vulnerable interconnected systems can be to ransomware attacks—and why you need to be vigilant in keeping them protected.

Addressing Ransomware in Manufacturing

While ransomware is a legitimate threat to doing business, there are many tactics that facilities can use to mitigate the risk and help keep networks and systems safe. 

Train Your Staff: A workforce educated in personal cybersecurity best practices is one of the best defenses against ransomware and other cyber threats. Huntress Managed Security Awareness Training educates personnel on the risks associated with cyberattacks and how to recognize intrusion attempts like phishing that could lead to ransomware. 

Secure & Monitor Your Critical Systems and Devices: Implement a robust cybersecurity system to handle all the heavy lifting. Security platforms like Huntress Managed EDR take the load off your hands and utilize continuous monitoring to detect malicious activity to identify and remove threats to your servers and endpoint devices. 

Use Secure Browsers and Control Site Access: High-profile web browsers typically have security preferences that can filter out many potential intruders when enabled and identify known hazardous sites. Administrators can also implement network traffic restrictions that enable company computer users to only visit company-approved sites. 

Schedule Backups: Automation enables systems to perform routine backups to isolated drives and other protected systems. Backing up overnight allows administrators to reformat and rebuild a fresh dataset with the most up-to-date information in case a restore is needed after an intrusion event.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many manufacturing plants are affected by ransomware?

One report from 2023 indicates that a whopping 56% of manufacturers surveyed had suffered a ransomware attack. Most of the victims paid the demand to expedite returning to production, while only around one-quarter of them were able to fend off the attack without paying any ransom at all.

What other online threats affect manufacturing?

Phishing is a common threat to manufacturers and other industries. This form of social engineering attack tricks users into divulging their login information to certain platforms. As hackers gather those credentials, they often sell the information to other cybercriminals or use the credentials to gain access to the user's accounts themselves.

Ransomware is a scourge on manufacturing facilities’ operations, costing organizations millions each year in ransom demands and recovery expenses. Awareness and prevention are the most effective tools for combating this daily threat. Huntress can keep your facility guarded from attacks like ransomware and malware.

Let us take on the burden of keeping your systems and networks secure so you can remain focused on your day-to-day business—and all the things that come with it.

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