Identifying Operational Improvements from Huntress

Glitch effectGlitch effect

MSPCFO, a leading business intelligence platform designed for MSPs, conducted a detailed analysis to identify the operational improvements driven by the implementation of Huntress. The following research compares the time and effort spent per endpoint with and without Huntress, highlighting the efficiency gains provided by the tool.

Data Capture

The first step in this process involved identifying all tickets created by Huntress. MSPCFO pinpointed the Type/Sub-Type/Item (TSI) combinations for work conducted by Huntress and developed rules to identify security-related tickets, even when the term "Huntress" wasn't explicitly mentioned. This ensured a broad capture of relevant data, amounting to 670 TSI combinations and 8,188 tickets, where filtering criteria captured 27.4% of TSI combinations and 44.5% of the tickets. A small portion (3.5%) of tickets were unclassifiable, and 15.2% lacked useful descriptors beyond the identifier "Huntress."

Criteria for Analysis

For the analysis, MSPCFO examined tickets opened between January 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024, including only those with MSP time and excluding automatically closed tickets. The research focused on active endpoints managed by RMM as of May 1, 2024, and excluded MSPs with fewer than 500 endpoints. Each MSP had to have at least one ticket per month fitting these criteria. In the sample, there were 62 MSPs that utilized Huntress and 129 MSPs that did not.


The findings revealed significant operational savings with Huntress. For the typical MSP and for the type of ticket that MSPCFO researched (based on median values from the sample) the time per ticket per 100 endpoints spent on identified tickets dropped from 20.76 minutes for non-Huntress MSPs to 15.28 for Huntress MSPs, a 26.4% reduction. This is due to a decrease in average tickets per 100 endpoints from 0.87 to 0.57, a 34.8% reduction.