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New MSPCFO Research Reveals Huntress Helps Managed Service Providers Significantly Boost Operational Efficiency 

September 10, 2024
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Impressive results show fewer tickets, less time managing tickets, and faster ticket resolution for service providers using Huntress EDR

COLUMBIA, MD - 09/10, 2024 - MSPCFO, a leading business intelligence platform designed for MSPs, has announced the results of 15 months of time entries to identify the operational improvements MSPs can attain using Huntress. The impressive results prove that Huntress helps MSPs manage endpoints more efficiently, saving them time and money while protecting vulnerable small and mid-sized enterprises.

MSPCFO Stats: Why MSPs Choose Huntress 

The research reveals what Huntress MSPs know: Huntress can help uncover significant operational savings by reducing the time (minutes per ticket) spent managing and resolving tickets. 

In a practical example, MSPCFO reports that for an MSP managing 3,000 endpoints, time spent per endpoint without Huntress averaged 22.27 minutes. With Huntress, this time dropped to 9.89 minutes.

Time = Money = Resources

This research helps quantify how Huntress solutions can empower MSPs to draw a direct line in maximizing time,  money, and resources. Optimizations observed1 in the MSPCFO data include:

  • Huntress arms MSPs with what they need to manage their endpoints more efficiently, with nearly 32% less time spent per security ticket. 
  • MSPs that chose Huntress experienced approximately 35% fewer security tickets overall.
  • Compounding the reduced service time with fewer tickets enables MSPs using Huntress to achieve 56% less overall service time on security tickets .

From saving time and effort to allocating resources to more critical projects, this new analysis from MSPCFO is clear: Huntress consistently displays significant, evidence-based value and disrupts the industry in its mission to break down the barriers to enterprise-grade security.

Additional Resources

Learn more about the MSPCFO research

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About Huntress

Huntress is the enterprise-grade, people-powered cybersecurity solution for all businesses, not just the 1%. With fully owned technology developed by and for its industry-defining team of security analysts, engineers, and researchers, Huntress elevates underresourced tech teams whether they work within outsourced environments (OIS) or in-house IT and security teams (IIS).The 24/7 industry-leading Huntress Security Operations Center (SOC) covers cyber threats for OIS and IIS through remediation with a false-positive rate of less than 1%. With a mission to break down barriers to enterprise-level security and always give back more than it takes, Huntress is often the first to respond to major hacks and threats while protecting its partners, and shares tradecraft analysis and threat advisories with the community as they happen.As long as hackers keep hacking, Huntress keeps hunting. Join the hunt at and follow us on X, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

The fully managed security platform that combines endpoint detection and response, Microsoft 365 identity protection, a predictably affordable SIEM and science-based security awareness training. Powered by custom-built enterprise technology for mid-market enterprises, small businesses, and the MSPs that support them and delivered by unrivaled industry analysts in our 24/7 Security Operations Center.


Valerie Baccei

+1 (650) 400-7833
