With Huntress in their corner, Priority One now had critical EDR capabilities, 24/7 monitoring, and real-time visibility that they didn’t have before. "Having that real-time interaction if something suspicious was happening and alerting our staff to understand exactly what was going on and what the remediation was, was very important,” says Gomes.
But it wasn’t just the technology that made a difference—it was also the personal touch. "To have that peace of mind that if something malicious is going on, to get that phone call or email from Huntress saying, 'Here's what's happening, here’s what you need to do,' was crucial," he adds.
For the Priority One team and their clients, the ability to resolve issues quickly was a real game changer. "For the remediation side, I can tell you from our experience, has been wonderful," shared Gomes. "Huntress, the product itself, speaks for itself. If you evaluate it, you'll see how quickly you can resolve issues, and it's eye-opening. For us, when we saw that, it was like, how can we say no?"