What a year 2024 has been! It saw the Paris Olympics, the Celtics winning banner #18 (this was big for me), a new Elden Ring, an Oasis comeback, Drake vs. Kendrick, and Brat Summer! (Sorry, I’m a Gen Z if you couldn’t tell).
It’s quite a list already, but while I may be biased, I think there’s one more massive cultural phenomenon that’s worth mentioning. And that phenomenon is, of course, DeeDee and her friends from Huntress Managed SAT, who’ve been helping to build the security cultures of our partners and customers all year. You might recognize them from some of their greatest hits, like phishing for free ice cream, accidentally leaking top-secret chicken recipes on GabBot (Curriculaville’s newest AI), or hiding in your learners’ inboxes to catch them with phishing simulations.
DeeDee and friends have been busy this year, and so has our team here at Huntress Managed SAT. From new security awareness episodes and phishing simulations to features that your learners and admins will love, there have been quite a few new additions to Huntress Managed SAT that we think you’ll enjoy.
So, without further ado, let’s dive into 2024 Wrapped with Huntress Managed SAT’s greatest hits. (If you’re interested in looking back even further than this year, check out our blog from March!)
Managed Training
We rolled out our fully managed learning and training features towards the end of 2023, but throughout 2024, partners and customers enrolled their learners into managed learning in droves. In fact, between January and November of this year, we saw a 9x increase in learners enrolled in our managed learning plans!
Here are some quick learner stats we saw this year from our monthly training episodes and phishing simulations:
- Over 72 million minutes (that’s over 1.2 million hours!) were spent learning from our Managed Learning Episodes
- Over 930k Phishing simulations based on real-world threats were sent, with a compromise rate of only 2% (the benchmark Phish-prone Percentage, or PPP, is 5% after one year of training)
- About 20k learners who clicked on a simulated phishing link learned how to avoid the same mistakes next time by completing their Phishing Defense Coaching
While those managed episodes and phishing simulations were being sent out, we were also adding to our ever-growing content library. This year we added:
- 6 new episodes covering new topics like AI, Remote Work, Adversary-in-the-Middle (AiTM), and Business Email Compromise (BEC)
- 20 new phishing simulations spanning different tactics, formats, and geographies (AUS, CA, IE, NZ, UK, US)
Phishing Defense Coaching
Over 20k learners completed Phishing Defense Coaching assignments this year. We rolled out this new feature in June to provide learners who clicked on a phishing simulation with a better experience when taking their “recovery training.”
Instead of sending learners generic training (or no training at all) after a phishing simulation has compromised them, Phishing Defense Coaching helps them understand exactly where they went wrong so they can better learn from their mistakes in the context they made them. With this style of recovery training, learners are greeted by their virtual coach (a Huntress Threat Researcher), who walks them through the exact scenario they interacted with, pointing out cues they can look for in the future while also addressing their motivation to click (i.e., “I was in a hurry” or “It seemed important”).
With Phishing Defense Coaching, you can uplevel your riskiest humans without making them feel bad for clicking.
Who doesn’t love a little friendly competition? It can be a great motivator for learners to not only complete their assignments but also try to score well on them. That’s why we’ve introduced Leaderboards to Huntress Managed SAT, where your learners can earn and lose points based on their security awareness behaviors like completing training on time, being compromised by a phishing simulation, or completing their Phishing Defense Coaching. They can see how they stack up amongst their peers too!
While we rolled out some big, flashy features like Phishing Defense Coaching and Leaderboards, we didn’t overlook the small things that our partners need to make their lives easier and their security stronger. Below is a list of other features that the Huntress Managed SAT team has rolled out in 2024 to improve the experience for your admins and learners.
Early Updates
After Huntress acquired Curricula, our initial goal was to ensure that all of our partners and customers could get the same seamless experience with Huntress Managed SAT. With that in mind, some of the new features we rolled out early in 2024 helped us achieve this:
- Trial Onboarding: Improved the onboarding experience for trials.
- Availability for Resellers (VARs): Resellers like VARs can now purchase Huntress Managed SAT directly through the Huntress portal instead of Curricula.
- Purchasing Through Huntress: All partners and customers can now purchase Huntress Managed SAT through the Huntress portal, instead of Curricula, making it easier to manage all of your Huntress products from one portal.
- Mapping Huntress Orgs: Huntress partners can now map Huntress portal organizations to Huntress Managed SAT.
More Recent Updates
New Integrations
- ControlMap: MSPs can now simplify how they manage compliance and security training requirements for their clients with ControlMap + Huntress Managed SAT.
- Inky: Allow listing of Huntress Managed SAT in Inky now takes one click, and learners can get credit for reporting Huntress Phishing Simulations with the Inky “Report a Phish” button.
Reporting and Notification Updates
- Manager Notifications: Alert managers about learners with incomplete assignments.
- Forward Reported Phishing: Admins who use the “report phishing” service can now have reported phishing attempts not from Huntress be forwarded to a designated email address, most commonly an internal security team or email security vendor.
- Manual Push for Notifications: Resend one-off enrollment notifications and assignment reminders.
- Phishing Campaign Report: Greater visibility into phishing campaigns, including compromise rates and responses from PDC.
- Standard Reports: The latest addition to the reporting dashboard gives you immediate access to important sub-account learner data—across assignments, episodes, and phishing. No report recipes or downloading CSVs needed!
Custom Content Creator Updates
- Support for Larger Files: Now supports files up to 1000 MB.
- Markdown: Have greater control over the formatting of content and embed videos from YouTube, Vimeo, and Loom.
- PDF Upload: You can now upload PDFs directly to custom content instead of linking to them.
Administrative Updates
- Log in with Google: Learners can now log in with their Google Workspace account.
- Mapping Curricula Sub-Accounts to Huntress Orgs: This allows you to access SAT metrics in the Huntress Command Center.
- Learners “All” Groups: You can now view all groups on the Learners page instead of one group at a time.
- Pre-configured OAuth Providers: Skip the tedious SAML SSO process and direct learners to a page with Microsoft or Google logins only.
- Directory Sync Updates: Google and Microsoft Sync now both support groups.
- Locked Learner Status: Learning status can now be “locked” as active or inactive to prevent directory syncs from changing their state.
UX Improvements
- Improved “Guided Tour” Experience for Learners: It’s now easier to dismiss the guided tour at the beginning of an episode, and completing one will opt you out of future tours.
- New Completion Certifications: Certificates have a new design and can be co-branded to include your logo.
We’re looking forward to 2025 with even more to deliver to help our partners and customers continue to wreck hackers. If you have any feedback that could add value to your SAT experience, we’d love to hear it! Leave a note here.
Not currently a Huntress Managed SAT partner or customer? Want to join the ride for 2025? Start your free trial and take it for a test drive today!
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